Beauty is in the eyes of the SOUL

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No guarantee…

This time of year is always a rough time for me as I am sure it is for many people. I have lost so much in the past five years and the holidays only remind me how much I’ve lost. My children mean more to me then anything in this entire world and I am unable to see them, speak to them, hold them, hear their voices…
I am missing so much and every year during the holidays my longing to be with them cuts me that much deeper.

The cold hard truth is I won’t get these years back because time only moves forward. As mortals we are only guaranteed one thing in Life and that is Death.
Time wasted is just that…Time wasted.

I have experienced more death in the last 2yrs the one usual experiences in a lifetime. I felt it was appropriate for me to Reblog my post as a reminder to us all that time is precious and what we choose to do with it should also be precious.

A Beautiful Mind

You may be wondering what ” no guarantee” means…well as you all know I’m a big believer in everything happens for a reason.  The point I want to make here is although we are not guaranteed tomorrow, we are guaranteed how we live today.

Believe you me there will be many obstacles for us as human beings to overcome.  We will experience love, lust, loss, and even death.  The one thing we can count on in life is death.  For that very reason none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

We are not invincible.  We are human and the truth of the matter is regardless of how quickly the world and technology we are surrounded by evolves we will still have to die at some point and we don’t know when that will be because its not up to us.

We can do things to try and prolong the inevitable but…

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Who I Am

    Ignoramus or Insane

   Neurological testing has provided substantial evidence that creative minds use both the left and right hemisphere’s of the brain. Although this allows one to think on a broader spectrum therefore truly open minded, it causes a great deal of conflict. When your mind is open to both possible outcomes of any given situation you are burdened with contradiction. The contradicting facts of any matter allow you to see your wrongs before you right them thus giving you the power to be wrong and give a perfectly logical explanation as to why you are right.

 Knowing you are wrong before the words leave your mouth or the actions leave your person yet following through because you have still proven it right becomes a consistent struggle with yourself. The willingness to be defiant constitutes a persistent battle within your own mind.

 The perfect open minded view that everyone expects the other to have during a debate is thus imperfect. Statistics prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that creative thinkers i.e. Albert Einstein are intelligent also. The intelligence found within these creative right/left brain minds leads moreover to insanity. Open minds lead to uncontained emotions, racing thoughts and irrational behavior. The more passages open in the brain simultaneously the higher the margin for error. Therefore intelligence is nothing more then the ability to solve large equations while creativity is the need to never leave one unsolved.

Mathematicians are a prime example. Psychologically speaking most will suffer from psychological turmoil and eventually disease such as schizophrenia.

 This is A Beautiful Mind.

“Creative Minds carry the burden of a Contradicting Heart with a Loyal Soul”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am A Beautiful Mind~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Lets not forget my bloodline… start with Italian, then add some Irish…and lets not forget my zodiac which is a very important part of personality traits… Aries Woman. I am lucky in one way that most people can’t even imagine.  I have my soul mate…

Source: Who I Am

Bended knee

And here I am once again…

A Beautiful Mind

Those of you who know me know that I am not a very religious person. Don’t get me wrong I am not an atheist. I do believe in God. I am just not a church goer who feels I must pray every night and go to church every Sunday to have Gods blessing. I know with all my heart and soul that he exists and that he has a purpose and a plan for us all.

I am at a crossroad in my life where as much as I know in my heart that he has a plan and purpose for me…I’m beginning to wonder what that is. I am not changing my belief that everything happens for a reason and with every choice we are given a lesson. I am just not sure where my road is headed or even why it is the way it is.

I am…

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